Malaria tablets

Malaria tabletsDetails
250mg /100mg tablets
250mg/100mg tablets
100mg capsules
Mefloquine (Larium)
250mg tablets
250mg tablets
250mg tablets
Please call for our latest prices

Travel vaccines

Travel vaccinesDetails
Chickenpox (from age one)
Per vaccination
Chickenpox (from age one)
Course of two vaccinations
Cholera (from age two)
Per course of two oral doses
Dengue Fever
Per vaccination
Diptheria, tetanus and polio (from age six)
Per vaccination
Hepatitis A (from age one)
Per vaccination*
Hepatitis A (from age one)
Course of two vaccinations
Hepatitis B (from age one)
Per course of three vaccinations
Hepatitis A and B combined (from age one)
Per vaccination*
Hepatitis A and B combined (from age one)
Per course of three vaccinations
HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) (from age nine)
Per vaccination*
Japanese Encephalitis (from age three)
Per vaccination
Meningitis ACWY (from age two)
Per vaccination
Meningitis B (from age six months to 50 years)
Per vaccination
MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) (from age one)
Per vaccination
Pneumonia (Prevenar 13) (from age 18)
Per vaccination
Pneumonia (PPV23) (from age 18)
Per vaccination
Rabies (from age one)
Per vaccination*
Rabies (from age one)
Per course of three vaccinations
Tick-borne Encephalitis (from age one)
Per vaccination*
Tick-borne Encephalitis (from age one)
Per course of three vaccinations
Typhoid (from age six)
Course of three oral capsules
Typhoid (from age two)
Per vaccination
Whooping cough (with Diptheria, Tetanus and Polio)**
Per vaccination
Yellow Fever (from age nine months)
Per vaccination
Yellow Fever (from age nine months)
Per vaccination and certificate
Please call for our latest prices

** Whooping Cough vaccination is subject to meeting suitability criteria and requires a consultation with our trained pharmacist prior to an appointment being booked.

* We strongly recommend completing the full course of any vaccination. Incomplete courses may result in reduced immunity and / or reduced length of immunity. We can administer single vaccinations as part of a course started / to be completed elsewhere.